MONDAY 10 JANUARY 2022 at 7.30pm



Cllr Peter Rollings (PR) Chairman; Cllr Helen Butterworth (HB); Cllr Andrew Mate (AM); Cllr Jane Wright (JW); Cllr Nicholas Murray (NM); Cllr Mark Reynolds (MR); Cllr A Powell (AP)

In Attendance: A resident and representative of Rufforth Primary School Governors; 3 further resident members of the public


001      Public Comments: 

As those in attendance were all wanting to speak on planning the chairman deferred any comments to item 007.


002      Apologies and reason for absence: Clerk to the Parish Council, Covid after-effects, (NM took the minutes). Cllr John Flynn (JF), Business commitments, Ward Cllr. A Hook attending Upper Poppleton PC meeting.


003      Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (not previously

declared): there were no declarations of interest on items on the agenda.


004      Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 December 2021: 

MR proposed the minutes as a true record, JW seconded, and they were

agreed and signed.


005      Ward Councillors Comments and Reports:  None. No councillor present.


006      Clerks Report: (Presented by PR)

Drain cleaning of autumn leaves. AM asked that the clerk chase up CYC to attend to side roads where applicable.

Knapton Notice Board. This has been vandalised and is beyond repair. PR proposed that the Clerk to go ahead and arrange for a new one while pursuing an insurance claim. All agreed.

Rufforth White gate. The gate has been removed and remaining post will be removed soon


007      Planning Matters:

To be decided:

The chairman invited the members of the public to make comments prior to the council’s deliberations and explained that the final decision on the application would be made by CYC not the PC who can only comment and offer their local knowledge and recommendations.


One resident said that he would lodge an objection to the application on two points, firstly that it might open the floodgates to other developments in the green belt and add additional strain on the local infrastructure. Secondly, and from a personal aspect, his equine facility immediately borders the southern end of the site and he feared that prolonged construction and later residential ‘noise’ may startle his horses and make the facility untenable and create a H&S issue.


The School Governor spoke in support of the development as it would enhance the sustainability of the school where there are currently 103 pupils of whom approximately 60% come from outside of Rufforth. An area of serious concern though was the lack of a rear/side pedestrian access for children. This was envisaged in the Neighbourhood Plan process, and the governors would want to avoid children walking down Middlewood Close and onto Wetherby Rd to the main entrance.

A rear entrance would need a paved path within the school grounds and asked that the PC seek assurances that this be considered by the developers within the application.

He recognised the concerns of residents on Middlewood Close and Yew Tree Close and hoped that the development would alleviate some of the parking issues and echoed the need to ensure that local infrastructure can cope.


Another resident, and local shopkeeper stressed that the development would help with the sustainability of Rufforth and support local business. This development was considered within the Neighbourhood Plan process and was supported then and should be now.


The meeting then reverted to councillors to discuss the application having had the benefit of public comments. There followed lengthy, and detailed discussion across a number of topics as including:


NM proposed that the PC should offer no objection at this stage, subject to conditions (addressing concerns and to be defined in a letter to CYC to be ratified by all PC). The motion seconded by JW and was passed

4 for (PR/JW/NM/AP), 2 against (AM/MR) & 1 abstention (HB)


It was also agreed that a copy of the response to be put on the website and that PR would arrange a meeting with CYC planners ASAP (with MR in attendance if possible).


Other Planning Matters:




008      Finance: Monthly report

  a) To ratify following payments:

            Clerk: December salary                                                                        £  498.27

            CM Marketing Solutions for website                                                     £    60.00

            ANBG Subs                                                                                         £  132.00

            Aubergine for website hosting etc                                                        £  597.60

           Clerk’s Expenses last ¼                                                                        £  141.03

PAYE   to HMRC last ¼                                                                       £    23.20

All were agreed with the exception of the Aubergine invoice while NM confirms necessity for WACG compliance quarterly checks.


b) Payments Received:                                                                                    £      0.00


c) Funds Available:                                                                                           £ 6735.19


009      Budget/Precept 2022/2023:PR outlined thinking behind benefitting from Burial Ground income versus a higher precept. Cllrs agreed unanimously to approve the budget for 2022/2023 and to set the Precept. at £11,900, an increase of £445 which is just over 4% but amounts to an average increase of £1 per household per annum. PR circulated figures to confirm that at this level the precept is in line with comparable Parishes in the York authority area.


010      Bank Accounts: In light of Council funds being currently above the Financial Compensation Scheme the Cllrs agreed to investigate options to, potentially, move some of the reserves to another account although it was agreed that this is not regarded as urgent considering the strong position of Banks and anticipated expenditure by the end of the fiscal year.


011      Burial Grounds:

a)         Report on Burials: HB reported as quiet with only two enquiries.

b)         Maintenance in Burial Grounds: HB reported that gardeners would be cutting back shrubs at the burial ground and cycle path on 24/25/26 January. AM offered to attend a site meeting to agree an action plan.

c)         Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 - The Clerk has submitted a response to this consultation, and we await the outcome


012      Website: Cllrs considered the annual report on website activity and were pleased with the excellent interest with over three thousand site visitors during the year.


Additional content:


013      Rufforth Milestone:  Cllr Murray reported no action this month. Defer to Feb.


014      Knapton Recreational Field, Play Area: Update Cllr Flynn had nothing new to report.


015      York Community Woodland: Cllr Rollings reported that there was to be a stakeholder meeting later in the month and would report back in Feb.


016      Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Cllr Mrs Wright - Village celebrations planned for 2 June 2022.


017      Dog Bin for Lowfield Lane, Knapton JF to monitor ongoing situation


018      Millennium Garden: Cllr Mrs Wright to liaise with the PR to arrange a site meeting with the villagers who have made contact.


019      Representatives’ Reports:  To receive reports on meetings councillors have attended:

            a) Rural West York Team and residents Forum Meetings - None.


b) York Branch Yorkshire Local Councils Association

PR to attend the first meeting on 11 Jan and the Parish Charter will be high on the agenda. PR will raise the subject of narrow footpaths on the church bend.

It is understood that there will be a requirement to submit an electronic version of all PC minutes in the future.


c) Yorwaste Liaison Group

PR referred to the new barrier opposite the entrance/exit to Harewood Whin as another example of Yorwaste’s commitment to working with the PC.

PR reported that he has agreed a PC contribution of £500, as approved at the last meeting, for the accessibility platform to the footpath bench on the hill. The full cost of this will be £3000-£3500 with the balance to be generously funded by Yorwaste.


d) Rufforth Playing Fields Association. Cllr Reynolds – nothing new to report.


020      Minor Matters and Items for the Next Agenda:  None noted


021      Date of next meeting:  Monday 7 February 2022 in Rufforth Village Hall starting at 7.30 p.m.




Mrs Stephanie Warden, Parish Clerk: Tel: 738751

Email: clerk@rufforthwithknapton-pc.gov.uk




Signed_____________________                   Date______________________